In September the European Huntington Association is arranging their Business Meeting in Vienna. This year the association wants to encourage as many family members as possible to participate.
The EHA Business Meeting is taking place one day prior to the EHDN Plenary Meeting. The Business Meeting will happen 13 September and the EHDN Plenary Meeting 14-16 September.
Both meetings will take place at the Austria Center Vienna.
– We want to reach out and enable more family members to attend both of the meetings in Vienna, President of EHA, Astri Arnesen, says.
Interesting program
The 13 September the new EHA board will be elected. In addition the current board have put together an interesting program for the Business Meeting:
Dr. Alzbeta Mühlbäck will present Ask the Doctor and the CEO of the Huntington’s Disease Youth Organization, Catherine Martin, will talk about their action plan for training professionals to take better care of young people in HD families.
We will also take a closer look on how local associations can enhance expertise and care in families with rare diseases.
EHA Business Meeting: Find the full program here
Learn more about science and research
The day after the Business Meeting, EHDN’s conference is taking place.
The European Huntington’s Disease Network (EHDN) is a non-profit research network committed to advance research, clinical trials and improve clinical care in HD.
During EHDN’s conference you can learn more about current research, care, possible new treatments and get perspectives on how it is to live with Huntingtons’ Disease.
EHDN Plenary Meeting: Find the full program here // Register here.
The importance of family members
EHA wants to strengthen the voice of family members and make their perspectives heard in the research community.
Last time there were 20 countries represented at EHA’s business meeting. – We hope to be even more this time! Astri Arnesen says.
Financial support
To reach this goal, EHA enables family members to apply for financial support to cover travel and accommodation up to 250 €. Apply before 31. August.
– We want this opportunity to be used by people that would not be able to attend otherwise, Arnesen says.
Everyone who applies needs to apply through their local association – or an association that’s in the process of being formally registered. In other words: contact your association and send your application through them. You can find the application form here.
In addition you need to be a member of EHDN – or have applied to be so.
If you’re a EHDN member travelling within Europe, you can have your travel expenses covered by EHDN up to a maximum of 400 €. Members travelling from non-European countries can be reimbursed for travel costs up to 600 €. Find more information about Reimbursement for EHDN Members here.
We hope to see you in Vienna!
The meetings in Vienna is a perfect opportunity to come together as family members and strengthen the patient community.
On behalf of EHA: We hope to see you in Vienna!