24th of April marked the opening of the 12th CHDI conference in Malta. The aim of the meeting is to learn and discuss where to go from the place we are now to the goal destination: a treatment for Huntington’s disease (HD). Present at the meeting is EHA President Astri Arnesen and board member Svein Olaf Olsen. 

CHDI Foundation is a research organization devoted to a single disease: Huntington’s disease. Their mission is to develop drugs that will slow the progression of Huntington’s disease and provide meaningful clinical benefit to patients as quickly as possible.

During the opening day of the conference, the Mulligan family talked about their experiences with Huntington’s disease. In front of around 350 people including scientists, people from the pharmaceutical industry and patients advocates, they talked about different aspects of the disease and how they are coping with it. They further encouraged the scientists to keep up the good work and not quit until there are sufficient treatment for people impacted by HD.

EHA is present to meet with collaborators and try to help speed up the research processes wherever we can.  “I am very happy to be here and promote how HD affected families can contribute in the multiple projects in the field,” says EHA President Astri Arnesen.

There are a lot of ongoing and planned activities that all need participants. “The team Huntingtonians United needs a lot of players on the field and EHA is ready to help organize and coordinate the efforts from the families” Arnesen states before she is off together with colleagues to the next meeting.

In the picture: the Mulligan family together with Astri Arnesen (number six from the left) and Svein Olaf Olsen (far to the right)

Save the date and join us at the EHA Conference!

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