Three times a year the EHDN newsletter appears. Now you can read the Spring edition – with latest news from the Huntington’s Disease (HD) research community. From page 8-10 you will find a interview with our own President, Astri Arnesen. 

If you are new to the European Huntington’s Disease Network, known as EHDN, here’s a short summary:

EHDN is a nonprofit research network committed to advancing research, facilitating the conduct of clinical trials, and improving clinical care in HD. Through the EHDN a platform has been created such that basic scientists, clinicians, patients and families can collaborate on academic and industry studies to fulfil its mission.

In this edition of EHDNs Newsletter you can find news about clinical trials, upcoming events and get to know our own President, Astri Arnesen, better.

On page 2. you can read that sites in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, South America and North America have registered as potential places to conduct clinical trials.

On page 3. you can further read about HDdennomore – the group that’s behind the Papal Audience this May. You’ll get to know Brenda, one of 16 impacted by HD that will meet and talk with the Pope.

Read More: Do you want to participate at the Papal Audience?

On page 4. you can keep yourself updated on current trials: what are they studying? What are the results so far? And where are they going with all the information? Further, on page 5. you will learn more about the e-learning system connected to Enroll-HD – a worldwide study for Huntington’s disease families.

And last but not least: from page 8-10 you can get to know our own President, Astri Arnesen, better. Why and how did she got engaged in working with HD? And how is EHAs’ project Stronger Together going?

Find the Newsletter here. Or scroll down on this page.

To flip the page: use the arrows in the lower left corner. 

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Save the date and join us at the EHA Conference!

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