There is an old saying: «When in Rome, do as the Romans do». The 18th of May, the European Huntington Association (EHA) travelled to Rome. More accurate: to the Vatican. Watch the video below!

On this beautiful day in May, six of our eight board members walked eagerly through the streets of the ancient city – and so did almost 2000 others. Hours later the crowd stood only a few meters away from Pope Francis and his message: that Huntington’s disease should be hidden no more.

Read more: The day Pope Francis met Huntington’s disease

Behind the event was a coalition of Huntington’s disease (HD) advocates that formed HDdennomore (‘Hidden no more’). The aim was to raise awareness around HD – and to eventually end the stigma that often follow with the disease.

So did EHA «do as the Romans do»? We did at least as the Pope said: «When in Rome, let HD be hidden no more». And we encourage everyone else to do the same.


Save the date and join us at the EHA Conference!

We’re bringing together families, professionals, and supporters to strengthen the HD community 💙 You can also make a difference by joining our Teaming initiative, donating just €1 per month to support families affected by Huntington’s disease. Together, we get stronger!