On June 29th the the HD Associations AICH Milano and Huntington Onlus opened a very exciting and innovative Exhibition at the famous art Exhibition venue Triennale Design Museum in Milano.  “Second Name: Huntington” contributes to shedding light on this rare disease for which there is still no cure.

The exhibition is the last of a series of initiatives that for over a year have involved families, designers, biologists, researchers and fablabs/makerspaces in Milano, all invited to get involved and build a network to reflect together on Huntington’s Disease with a view free from the taboos, stereotypes and prejudices too often surrounding the disease. A disease that fate gives to individuals like a “second name” a family inheritance that from that moment on accompanies the patient becoming an integral part of his identity.

Davide Crippa, who curated this Exhibition, has spent one year working on this project with a team of enthusiastic people who were in deep contact with families and patients of the Association. Chiara Zuccato, scientist at the University of Milano and scientific advisor of AICH Milano and Huntington Onlus, the newborn Italian Network for Huntington’s Disease and President of AICH Milan, Claudio Mustacchi, are very enthusiastic about the Project – For the first time the most famous italian designers have worked for Huntington’s Disease imagining products designed for the sick persons yet usable by all.

This is an unprecedented event. The exhibition has an international breath and is in two languages (Italian and English).


“I am very excitied about the exhibiton,” President of EHA Astri Arnesen states before she continues: “Designing Products that merge the needs of an HD patient and use for everybody is the ultimate way to take care of the diversity in our society. I will definitly visit this Exhibition before it Closes the 30th of July and I encourage everybody else to do the same!”

Save the date and join us at the EHA Conference!

We’re bringing together families, professionals, and supporters to strengthen the HD community 💙 You can also make a difference by joining our Teaming initiative, donating just €1 per month to support families affected by Huntington’s disease. Together, we get stronger!