Scientific Research on Rare Diseases
and Therapeutic Perspectives on Huntington’s Disease


When it comes to Huntington’s disease and clinical trials the questions are often numerous:
Who are the key actors in the research process for rare diseases? What’s going on with Pridopidine? When will the Legato trial results be available? What are the perspectives and what should we expect from the ASO trials? What clinical trials is relevant in regard to Italy? What is the role of Regulatory Authorities and pharma industries? How can patients’ organization make a difference?

The LIRH Foundation Annual Conference will try to answer as many of them as possible.

Among the conference’s brilliant speakers you will find Astri Arnesen, the President of the EHA. Last but not least, two Italian reseachers will be awarded for their important contribution in a research with potentiality on new peripheral biomarkers of HD by comparing cells and animal models with human blood cells as a result of an international collaborative study.

You will find the full program here: LIRH Annual Conference Program

Save the date and join us at the EHA Conference!

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