November 30, the “Huntington Challenge” started. Since then, the challenge has been spread across Europe. The aim is to raise money to help Huntington’s disease care homes and families.
Video below!
If you follow the European Huntington Association on facebook, you have probably noticed videos appearing marked with #HuntingtonChallenge.
November 30, the European Huntington Association published the first video, challenging three people in the Huntington community to sing something from the official Huntington Song by Olivia Sawano – North Star (HD 8890).
If they didn’t respond within 24 hours, they had to donate €20 to the European Huntington Association. If they replied, they had to upload a video and further challenge three new friends.
Since the first video, the challenge has been spread to Norway, Gran Canaria, Scotland, England, Russia, Portugal, Bulgaria and Romania.
Amazing donations
Last summer, the Huntington’s disease association in Chech Republic received a truck full of equipment: hospital beds, wheelchairs, chairs, toilet chairs, tables, walkers, rollators, toys and dishes.
Read more: Letter from Pavla Šašinková: Amazing donations
The equipment was collected by Bea de Schepper (president of Huntington Liga Belgium) from care homes.
When hospitals and care homes are being renovated in Belgium, Bea takes her own car and collect equipment – used but in a good condition.
In Chech Republic, the medical gear was offered to Huntington’s disease families and care homes:
– Since it can be hard to make care homes accept our patients, it was great to provide them with the equipment, Pavla Šašinková from the Chech Huntington Association told us last year.
Help us give a Christmas gift
At the moment, a lot of equipment is still stored in Belgium. We would like to give it to care homes and families in Eastern Europe, but we need help to cover transportation costs.
More information: Huntington Challenge
By giving a small Christmas gift to the European Huntington Association and taking part in the Huntington Challenge, you can help us give a big gift to Huntington’s disease families!
Find the lyrics to North Star (HD 8890) and more information here.
Help us spread the word by sharing your video!
Some of the uploaded #HuntingtonChallenge videos.
Share your video with us on our facebook page!