February 29 is a rare day – it comes only once every 1461 days – and it is dedicated to raising awareness for people living with a rare disease. 

Photo: Rare Disease Day

Rare Disease Day 2020 – coordinated by EURORDIS – is the thirteenth international rare disease day. Today, awareness-raising activities are taking place all over the world. So lets talk about Huntington’s disease and show our rare!

From www.rarediseaseday.org:

Rare is many. Rare is strong. Rare is proud! 

The rare disease community and its supporters come together today to share the message: 

Rare is many. Rare is strong. Rare is proud! 

We call for more equitable access to social opportunity, treatment and care for the 300 million people living with a rare disease and their families around the world.

Thousands of events including family fun days, sporting events, fundraisers, scientific conferences, art exhibitions, policy events and much more are taking place today across the globe in over 100 countries! Take a look at the interactive world map of Rare Disease Day events.

Join in the action on social media by using #RareDiseaseDay to add your voice to the campaign! We’ll be sharing exciting updates as events unfold across the globe so stay tuned to Rare Disease Day FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Show your support for people living with a rare disease by using the downloadable campaign visuals and sharing them with your family, friends and network.

We want to hear about your participation in the campaign!

EURORDIS is a non-governmental patient-driven alliance of patient organisations representing 884 rare disease patient organisations in 72 countries.

🎄 This Holiday Season, Make a Difference!

Join our Teaming initiative and support the European Huntington Association in bringing hope and help to families affected by Huntington’s disease. 💙 Together, we get stronger.