It is important to try and stay as physically active as you can during this time – both for your physical and mental health. Even though we encourage you to maintain social distancing, most countries now allow people to go for a walk, run or bike. Social distancing means only coming in close contact with members of your household and keeping at least 1 metre distance between yourself and others.

In April, Dr Una Jones at Cardiff University gave a webinar organised by the Huntington’s Disease Association on exercises you can do from home:

The European Huntington’s Disease Network (EHDN) is asking the Huntington Community to stay safe and remaining active while at home. Please see below  suggestions for exercise at home compiled by the EHDN Physiotherapy Working Group:

Many of you will be aware of the importance of staying as physical active as possible both for your general health and in terms of managing your Huntington’s Disease (HD). The coronavirus situation will most likely be making this a little more difficult for you particularly as we follow government advice to stay in our homes.

We would like to share some information with you that you may find useful to help you stay as as active as possible during this time. We believe that it is important for you to do some structured exercise every day to help you maintain strength and balance.

Download ‘Move to Excercise’ (pdf)

We hope the booklet enclosed will give you some ideas of exercises that you can do at home. These have been specifically developed for people with HD. You can also find videos showing you how to do these exercise below.

Our advice is to choose at least 2 or 3 exercises from each section of the booklet: flexibility and warm up; balance and co-ordination; circuit resistance training; strength training and the cool down. You can do these exercises 2 to 3 times per day.

Remember to get up and walk about as much as you are able. If you are able to, walk outside for a bit.


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