Generation HD1
Roche would like to reassure you that tominersen studies are ongoing at clinical trial sites around the world, where local guidance allows. The GENERATION HD1 trial is continuing, in collaboration with study participants, clinical trial investigators and health authorities, while also ensuring patient safety and data integrity throughout the studies given the ongoing impact of COVID-19. If trial participants have specific questions about their situation, we encourage them to discuss with their clinical trial site.
How is Roche able to continue this clinical trial during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Roche is working closely with the research teams, trial sites and local authorities to reduce any new risks posed by COVID-19 and ensure the trial can continue as long as it is safe to do so. Their primary focus is ensuring patient safety and data integrity. As such:
- they advise those participating in clinical studies to discuss individual circumstances with their respective study sites, follow the provided advice, and abide by any guidance issued by local authorities
- Where patients and families can no longer go into hospital to receive treatment or assessments, research teams will be in close contact over the phone to monitor their health and discuss any potential adverse events or any other issues
- regularly reviewing the situations of tominersen trial sites across the globe and will keep you updated as and when new developments occur.