

  • Karen Jones
  • Katy Hamana
  • Deb Kegelmeyer
  • Anne Kloos
  • Hanne Ludt Fossma
  • Anette Lie
  • Jeanette Ullmann
  • Lori Quinn
  • Monica Busse
  • Angela Nuzzi
  • Ann Barker
  • Veena Agarwal
  • Una Jones
  • Rebecca Ferriday (IT support)
  • Project team for Engage-HD
  • And members of the EHDN Physiotherapy working Group


Busse M, Quinn L, Drew C et al. (2017) Physical Activity Self-Management and Coaching Compared to Social Interaction in Huntington Disease: Results From the ENGAGE-HD Randomized, Controlled, Pilot Feasibility Trial.

Busse M, Quinn L, Debono K, et al. (2013) A randomized feasibility study of a 12-week community-based exercise program for people with Huntington’s disease.

Busse M, Quinn L, Dawes H, et al. (2014) Supporting physical activity engagement in people with Huntington’s disease (ENGAGE-HD): study protocol for a randomized controlled feasibility trial.

Goodman L. (2009) Off the Couch: A Great Resolution for the New Year, HD Drug Works.

Khalil H, Quinn L, van Deursen R, et al. (2013) What effect does a structured home-based exercise programme have on people with Huntington’s disease? A randomized, controlled pilot study, Clinical Rehabilitation, 27(7):646-58.

Kloos A, Fritz NE, Kostyk SK et al. (2013) Video game play (dance dance revolution) as a potential exercise therapy in Huntington’s disease: a controlled clinical trial.

Maiuri T. (2013) More evidence points to Huntington disease exercise benefit.

Quinn L, Busse M, Khalil H, et al. (2010) Client and therapist views on exercise programmes for early-mid stage Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease.

Quinn L, Khalil H, Busse M, et al. (2013) Reliability and minimal detectable change of physical performance measures in individuals with pre-manifest and manifest Huntington disease.

Quinn L, Debono K, Busse M, et al. (2014) Task-specific training in Huntington disease: a randomized controlled feasibility trial.

Quinn L, Hamana, K. Kelson, M, et al. (2016) A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Multimodal Exercise Intervention in Huntington’s Disease.

Quinn L, Trubey R, Gobat N, et al. (2016) Development and Delivery of a Physical Activity Intervention for People With Huntington Disease: Facilitating Translation to Clinical Practice.

van der Bent J. van der Plas A. Achterberg W. (2014) Efficacy of a brisk walking program in patients with Huntington’s disease, looking back to move forward.


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