Wave Life Sciences: setback for Huntington’s disease trials
30. March 2021. Yesterday, Wave Life Sciences gave an update on PRECISION-HD1 and PRECISION-HD2. Due to disappointing results, the biotechnology company has decided to stop the two Huntington’s disease trials. However, they will continue the development of a third drug candidate. The decision to stop the PRECISION-HD trials is not related to the stopped dosing of Tominersen […]
DNA Repair: Hot Topic in Huntington’s Research
DNA damage repair has become a hot topic in Huntington’s research. By targeting proteins involved in the repair process we might be able to slow down, or even prevent, Huntington’s disease. New research provide important insight on the DNA repair protein MSH3. In our body, we have a DNA repair protein: MutS Homolog 3 (MSH3). This protein is constantly scanning our […]
LIRH Conference: Current Treatment Perspectives for Huntington Disease
The Italian League for Research on Huntington Disease (LIRH) hosted their annual conference in December 2020. Watch a recording of their online meeting below (in English) and get an introduction to ongoing and upcoming therapeutic studies in Huntington’s disease.
Simple, Brief Summary of Ongoing Drug Development
A number of researchers are using a wide range of approaches to develop new treatments for Huntington’s disease. Here is a short summary of 2020 and what to expect in 2021: After being strongly affected by Covid-19, Enroll-HD is now more or less up and running. More than 20 000 people worldwide are participating in Enroll-HD, […]
Moving Forward – A new project
We have just launched a project called “Moving Forward” where we aim to mobilise people at risk or presymptomatic to become more involved in Huntington research. Moving Forward was launched by the European Huntington Association a few weeks ago. The project aims at mobilising people at risk for Huntington’s disease and people who are presymptomatic in […]
PTC Therapeutics has started in-human Huntington’s disease trial
Two days ago, PTC Therapeutics announced that the drug candidate PTC518 has entered into a “Phase 1 Clinical Trial”. The initial results are expected in the first half of 2021. PTC518 is an orally bioavailable molecule. In other words, the drug candidate is administered in the form of a pill taken through the mouth. In […]
Huntington’s Disease Podcast
The HD Insights Podcast by the Huntington Study Group is an interview series with the people working in Huntington’s disease research and treatments. The Huntington Study Group is a non-profit research organisation formed in 1993 – the same year as the Huntington’s disease (HD) gene was discovered. Learn more: The Insight Podcast The group is dedicated […]
Autumn News from the European Huntington Association
Join webinars, get updated on the latest research and learn more about our new project Moving Forward! Read our Autumn Newsletter! Click here.
The DOMINO-HD study: What is it and why are we doing it?
DOMINO-HD is a European study funded by the EU Joint Programme for Neurodegenerative Disease. The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between genetic and lifestyle factors and Huntington’s disease symptom progression. Written by Dr. Cheney Drew Research has shown that the rate of decline in people with Huntington’s disease (HD) can be […]
Moving Forward: Towards a Future with Effective Treatment for Huntington’s Disease
We are launching “Moving Forward”. The new project aims at including people from Huntington’s disease families in drug development by facilitating an active and long-lasting commitment from patients and family members. Written by Filipa Júlio, Project Manager in Moving Forward Between September 2016 and December 2019, the European Huntington Association (EHA) has run multiple European and […]