Do you have children? Or are you perhaps a young adult from a Huntington’s disease family? The Huntington’s Disease Youth Organization will be hosting weekly sessions online for young people. Here, you can meet other people from around the world affected by Huntington’s disease.
From HDYO:
In response to the social distancing recommended as a result of current events, HDYO will be hosting weekly hang out sessions via Zoom. One HDYO staff person will be in each session, and we hope to have many young people join us to meet others around the world from Huntington’s disease families. Our goal is to give young people a platform for social connection, have a conversation and find connection during this crazy time. We’re inviting any young person to join us on the following dates and times:
Tuesday 24 March, 13:00 (EST):
Wednesday 25 March 11:00 (EST) –
Simply click the link at the time of the session. Depending on how these first two go, we may add more dates and times that suit other regions of the world. We hope to see you there!