6th April 2020 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic can cause a lot of strain, stress and isolation on Huntington’s disease (HD) families, patients and relatives. In order to support you in this situation, the European Huntington Association in collaboration with the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases are organizing a webinar on Zoom with a panel of people from the Huntington community.

We will have 14 speakers from the Huntington’s disease field being able to respond to questions and concerns in 18 languages. 

The webinar will give you information about the specific risks for HD patients, update on consequences for the ongoing HD studies and trials, and some advice on how to cope with the new situation. In addition, to have an open Q&A session in English, the participants can chat (write) with an expert individually and private.  In the individual chat, you can post your questions in your native language.

Topic: Huntington’s disease and the COVID-19 pandemic – a difficult combination

Date: Monday, April 6

Time: 4  – 5.30 pm CET

Join the webinar: https://zoom.us/j/284555212

(There is no need to sign up in advance to the webinar)

Confirmed speakers:

Astri Arnesen – European Huntington Association

Professor Bernhard Landwehrmeyer (Neurologist) – Germany

Alzbeta Muehlbaeck (Neuropsychiatrist ) – Germany/Slovakia

Professor Anne-Catherine Bahoud Levi (Neurologist) – France

Professor Hugh Rickards (Psychiatrist) – UK

Dr Yuri Seliverstov – Russia

Natalia Grigorova (Psychologist) – Bulgaria

Filipa Julio (Neuropsychologist) – Portugal

Dr Alzbeta Muehlbaeck (Neuropsychiatrist) – Germany

Professor Maria Judit Molnar (Neurogeneticist) – Hungary

Dr Jose Lopez Sendon (Neurologist) – Spain

Dr Lasse Philstrøm (Neurologist) – Norway

Ramona Moldova (Neuropsychologist ) – Romania

Dr Wioletta Krysa (Geneticist ) – Poland

Professor Ferdinando Squitieri (Neurologist) – Italy

Save the date and join us at the EHA Conference!

We’re bringing together families, professionals, and supporters to strengthen the HD community 💙 You can also make a difference by joining our Teaming initiative, donating just €1 per month to support families affected by Huntington’s disease. Together, we get stronger!