European Huntington Association

We are an umbrella organization for Huntington’s Disease (HD) associations from 32 countries.

  • Connect HD affected all over Europe
  • Raise awareness
  • Inform
  • Support research
EHA Board elected October 2022


Do you know what you don't know about Huntington's Disease (HD)?

Different stories bring different perspectives and they all add up to what it can be like to cope with HD.

🤝 During the EHA Conference 2023 in Belgium, we had a dedicated session to present the many faces of HD. This was one of the highlights of the conference, as the attendees had the privilege to listen to the real-life experiences of brave HD advocates about being gene-positive, gene-negative, dealing with HD symptoms, caring for someone with HD, and being a person at risk.
💚 Thank you to Bruce, Javier, Rob, Saija and Tess for sharing their inspiring stories with us!

Webinar with Roche: Why do we need a second Generation HD trial?

The European Huntington Association, in collaboration with Roche, organized a webinar on January 9th to discuss the updates on the GENERATION HD2 clinical trial and address all the questions about why this trial is needed.
💙 We want to thank the webinar speakers Professor Sarah Tabrizi (UCL) and Doctor Peter McColgan (MD PhD) from Roche, for their great presentation and valuable information. We would also like to thank the 100 attendees for their participation during the webinar.

UniQure news: Promising signs of efficacy for gene theraphy

On December 20th, Uniqure released updates from their trial where the gene therapy AMT130 is being tested. Up to 30 months after the one-time dosing has been given, the trial participants who have received the lowest dosing show signs that they maintain functions compared to people in the same disease stage who haven’t received the treatment.

“This is great news to get towards the end of the year. I am hopeful that 2024 will bring more progress for this project as well for the other HD trials and that we will take important steps towards getting treatments to patients.” – says Astri Arnesen, president of EHA.

✨ Relive the incredible moments from EHA Conference 2023 in Belgium!

🌎 With nearly 300 participants from over 23 countries, the EHA Conference in Belgium marked a decisive opportunity for the HD global community and contributed to our main values for this event: 💡 Knowledge, 💙 empathy and 💪 empowerment.

🙌 A united community for a united action.  

We are truly grateful for your participation and attendance at the conference last weekend, it was filled with inspiration, learning, and connection.

We have tried to capture the best moments of each session, workshop and social activity so that you can always enjoy and remember them.

Check out our Online Resources

Get Active!

Together with physiotherapists, we have developed a resource to help you live an active life.

Ask the doctor

Do you have any questions about Huntington's disease? Ask our doctor!


Read our book on nutrition problems and solutions for to Huntington families, caregivers and medical staff.


Do you have trouble sleeping? Get simple tips on how to improve sleep here.

Oral care

Keeping the mouth healthy is extremely important for people affected by Huntington's disease.

online training

An online free course about Huntington’s Disease (HD) and how to provide the best care.

Learn more about our International Projects

Moving Forward

This project wants to hear and engage those traditionally less involved in Huntington Disease research.

HD Trial finder

An European platform where all Huntington’s disease trials are presented in plain language.


An European platform where all Huntington’s disease trials are presented in plain language.


An online eHealth platform to improve the quality of life for those of us affected by rare diseases

Subscribe to our Newsletter

To learn more about our projects, events and other activities related to huntington disease and our big community!

Save the date and join us at the EHA Conference!

We’re bringing together families, professionals, and supporters to strengthen the HD community 💙 You can also make a difference by joining our Teaming initiative, donating just €1 per month to support families affected by Huntington’s disease. Together, we get stronger!