Stronger Together conference

September 2017 | Sofia

Stronger Together

The European Huntington Association Conference Stronger Together kicked off with president Astri Arnesen and her husband and board member Svein Olaf Olsen welcoming 250 participants in Sofia, Bulgaria. Over a period of three days, Huntington’s disease was on the agenda. 

Eminent speakers had travelled from all over Europe and the United States to update the crowd. Many important topics where brought into light. In addition to sessions, workshops and discussions physical activity was devoted a lot of attention. Every morning the participants met outside the hotel, ready to walk or run through the streets of Sofia under the slogan HD on the Move.

You can find the full conference program here. Underneath you will find PowerPoints from the conference, videos and pictures.

Number of Participants:

26 countries
249 participants




With the

Bulgarian Huntington Association

Huntingtin Lowering

With Prof. Sarah Tabrizi

Prof. Sarah Tabrizi led the IONIS-HTTRx trial, the Huntingtin Lowering trial that showed groundbreaking results right before Christmas. In this lecture she walk us through Huntington’s Disease, research and Huntingtin Lowering.


With Dr. Ralf Reilmann

Dr. Reilmann is neurologist and the founder of George Huntington Institute in Münster. He is involved in most of the clincial trials in HD in Europe.

HD on the Move

Every morning the participants met outside the hotel, ready to walk or run through the streets of Sofia under the slogan HD on the Move.

Save the date and join us at the EHA Conference!

We’re bringing together families, professionals, and supporters to strengthen the HD community 💙 You can also make a difference by joining our Teaming initiative, donating just €1 per month to support families affected by Huntington’s disease. Together, we get stronger!