European Huntington Association
Business Meeting

During the meeting, the EHA board was re-elected with Astri Arnesen continuing her job as president for two more years. You can find the rest of the board members here.

The newly established Greek Huntington Association were present, as well as the Huntington Association of Gran Canaria and the Huntington Association of Hungary. All of the three associations were accepted as new members of the European Huntington Association.

Further, Alzbeta Mühlbäck gave a report on Ask the Doctor. She could announce to the crowd that over the last couple of years, the service has received questions from 22 countries.

At the end of the meeting, the 64 participants were split into smaller groups. Here they discussed which topics they wished to see more of during next year’s conference in Bucharest.



    • September 13, 2018

    • Vienna, Austria

    • 64 participants

Plenary Meeting

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    • September 14-16, 2018

    • Approx. 1000 participants

Presence and Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms

with Karen Anderson

What are the most common psychiatric symptoms in people with Huntington’s disease? And what can you do about them? In this 12 minute presentation by Karen E Anderson from Georgetown University, you can learn more about psychiatric symptoms – with apathy in particular.

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Results of the First Huntingtin Lowering Drug Trial

with Sarah Tabrizi 

In this lecture, Trabrizi walk us through Huntingtin Lowering and the results of the first Huntingtin Lowering drug trial – which looks very promising!

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How to cope with Huntington’s Disease

with Mathias Falk

Listen to Mathias Falk’s honest testimony on how it is to live as a gene carrier.

– I said to my friends: “When I get the symptoms, kill me” and they said “Okay, we can do that”. But now I’ve told them: “Don’t”.

Thank you for sharing your story, Mathias

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Save the date and join us at the EHA Conference!

We’re bringing together families, professionals, and supporters to strengthen the HD community 💙 You can also make a difference by joining our Teaming initiative, donating just €1 per month to support families affected by Huntington’s disease. Together, we get stronger!