You are invited to discuss how to ensure better access to care, services and treatment for all patients affected by Huntington’s Disease and other Rare Neurological Diseases.
Join us for the multi-stakeholder Virtual Roundtable on Thursday 3. December 2020!
The roundtable discussion will bring together a variety of stakeholders: representatives from European Huntington’s Disease Network, the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases, the European Brain Council, EURORDIS, and Members of the European Parliament – and hopefully you.
We will come together to discuss how we better can understand the challenges and unmet needs Huntington Disease patients face and how we can ensure better access to care and treatment for all.
Some of the questions we will address include:
What are the main challenges?
Where are the opportunities?
What EU policies can be made to move us forward?
Join us to contribute your own perspective and gain greater insight into the challenges faced across the Rare Neurological Disease field.
When? 3. December
/ 14:00-16:00 Central European Time
/ 13:00-15:00 in England, Portugal
/ 15:00-17:00 in Finland, Greece
Any questions?
Please do not hesitate to submit them to Giulia Colombo at Incisive Health.